All staff are involved in the pastoral care of students, supported by the Student Development Team (Years 7 to 11) and the 6th Form team (Years 12 and 13).

The main point of contact for students and parents is the form tutor (Years 7 to 11) and the div tutor (Years 12 and 13). They will support their tutor group and deal with a wide range of issues including:

  • Academic progress
  • Organisation
  • Friendship issues
  • Well being

The tutors will liaise with other staff as appropriate including the Key Stage Leaders and Heads of Year, Subject Teachers, the SENDCO, the Student Development Officers and the School Counsellors. If you have any concerns about your son please get in touch:

  • Student Development Office (including Special Educational Needs): 01494 787556
  • Sixth Form Office: 01494 787569

Student Development Plus

Annual report