
Video: https://drive.google.com/a/challoners.org/file/d/0ByH41whuUvC_eTdnTUJNLWRKLUU/preview


Sport plays a major part in the life of the School. All boys have two hours of Physical Education curriculum time each week, and we run an extensive extra-curricular programme which provides the opportunity for all boys to take part in some form of physical activity in addition to their two hours of curriculum time. We are constantly seeking to develop the provision for sport in terms of both competitive and recreational activities.

Challoner's is noted for its sporting achievements. Our major sports are football, cricket, hockey, rugby, athletics, tennis and cross-country running. Inter-school fixtures are played weekly throughout the year. Our teams take part in all the major local competitions and a number of students regularly achieve representative honours at county, regional and national level. Sports tours abroad are organised on a regular basis; venues include Barcelona, the Caribbean and the USA.

Get the latest results @ChallonersSport

Our facilities for sport are second to none and include two sports halls, a floodlit all-weather sports pitch, six tennis courts, a climbing wall, two fitness suites, a county standard cricket square and pavilion.
