When completing calculations with lots of parts, you must follow the order of operations. This is:

  • Brackets - complete calculations inside powers first
  • Indices - any number raised to a power must then be calculated
  • Division and Multiplication
  • Addition and Subtraction

This is commonly abbreviated to BIDMAS, which you can memorise to help you remember the order. You should note, however, that division and multiplication have the same priority as each other, as do addition and subtraction.

Example videos

Video: https://drive.google.com/a/challoners.org/file/d/0ByH41whuUvC_TmhtUmFjZzRDSm8/preview

Video: https://drive.google.com/a/challoners.org/file/d/0ByH41whuUvC_UHRxa0FBSlRHeVU/preview

Video: https://drive.google.com/a/challoners.org/file/d/0ByH41whuUvC_dmJhYlE2aEZXX0U/preview

Video: https://drive.google.com/a/challoners.org/file/d/0ByH41whuUvC_d1VibWp4MTVUSDA/preview

Practice questions

BIDMAS - questionsBIDMAS - solutions